
Showing posts from July 27, 2003
One more time - for some reason this Blog isn't tonight. But if it is - here's my latest contest entry. For The Screensavers "photoshop this" competition. Dan and Leo as Gilligan and the Skipper. If it goes nowhere else - at least it's on my web site. Photoshoppery
I'm attaching a little known cover from a Nintendo game - who knew that Dan and Leo had worked together BEFORE the screensavers!! Photoshoppery
Photoshoppery I'm attaching a little known cover from a Nintendo game - who knew that Dan and Leo had worked together BEFORE the screensavers!! Fun with PSP: Photoshoppery
Photoshoppery Playing with PSP again tonight - a little photoshopping of an old Nintendo game cartridge for the folks on the screensavers. I'm attaching a little known cover from a Nintendo game - who knew that Dan and Leo had worked together BEFORE the screensavers!! Fun with PSP:
So these folks think the on-line blog is are "officially cliche". Well, they can pound sand. TechTV | Create an Online Community With the TechTV Web Team
Cat's Weblog Now this was one of the web logs that caught my eye. After watching "Call for Help" the other day - Cat Schwartz mentioned some of her problems with her blog - mainly some wierd postings and some creepy stuff. Which is why I've sort of wondered about the usefulness of web logs. Do you really want to post anything more than inanity - especially if you are already in the "public eye" I mean she's sort of a TV star - and not a bad looking lady - with an attitude I like (see her subltle photo comment) Right on Cat!!
Welcome to Coop's Place After all day weaving webs at Bell - here I am again fixing up my own website. But it's just cleaning and organising - not to mention fixing some old links that have out dated.