
Showing posts from June 14, 2009

Dear Mr. Harper – here’s how to REALLY stimulate the Economy – the Patriotic Retirement Plan

This e-mail came across my desk – I’ve seen variations of it for the US – but this one sounds the best to me. Budget Alternative Dear Mr. Harper; Please find below my suggestion for fixing Canada's economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to the car industry that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.   You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan : There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force or nearing retirement.  Make a one time payment of $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations: They MUST retire. Ten million job openings - Unemployment fixed. They MUST buy a new CAR. Ten million cars ordered - Automotive Industry fixed. They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing and Mortgage Crisis fixed. They must send their kids to school / college / university - Crime rate fixed. Buy $50 of al...

Thought for the Day – about the difference between Liberals and Conservatives

Arguing with Liberals Conservatives dwell in the realm of actual facts, coupled with strong beliefs about man’s nature, justice and morality, and from these strands try to draw humane and functional conclusions. Liberals come up with conclusions drawn solely from ideology, and try to convince people that these conclusions are facts. That’s why you really can’t argue with a liberal. From the Bookworm

Facebook Personalised URL

Well, I got the one I wanted : So I can link to there now.

Can There Be an "After Socialism"?

Alan Charles Kor's essay Can There Be an "After Socialism" speaks to an interesting theme.   The cognitive behaviour of Western intellectuals faced with the accomplishments of their own society, on the one hand, and with the socialist ideal and then the socialist reality, on the other, takes one's breath away. In the midst of unparalleled social mobility in the West, they cry 'caste.' In a society of munificent goods and services, they cry either 'poverty' or 'consumerism.' In a society of ever richer, more varied, more productive, more self-defined, and more satisfying lives, they cry 'alienation.' In a society that has liberated women, racial minorities, religious minorities, and gays and lesbians to an extent that no one could have dreamed possible just fifty years ago, they cry 'oppression.' In a society of boundless private charity, they cry 'avarice.' In a society in which hundreds of millions have been fre...