
Showing posts from July 6, 2008

American Thinker: How the Greens Captured Energy Policy

American Thinker: How the Greens Captured Energy Policy : "Environmentalism is a luxury, and like all such, is best taken in moderation. The environment requires protection, but that's all. Primitive panthiesm has no place in this millennium. Nature is not an utterly benign continuum, and human beings are not a disease. Pseudo-religious environmentalism has long outlived its welcome. It's time to bring down the curtain."

Thought of the day.

If the world is facing a clear and present danger, it is that eco-hysteria and anti-corporate sentiment will lead the political class to impose the kind of draconian, wealth-destroying policies that they hypocritically preach but know will be destructive. The script for that piece of science fiction/horror is still being written. Full article at the National Post.