
Showing posts from January 7, 2007

Globalization, Glocalization and the Canadian West as Region: A Geographer's View

Globalization, Glocalization and the Canadian West as Region: A Geographer's View And some more on the Milch cow.

Welcome to the SDA folks

The orginal cartoon isn't from the Winnipeg free Press - look to The Grain Growers guide of 1915. Here's a better copy of the orginal from the Glenbow archives in Calgary. "Our artist has here attempted to portray the idea which the Big Interests of Eastern Canada seem to have of the proper function of the Western Provinces. The Bankers, the Railway Corporations and the Manufacturers rejoice to see a big crop in the West because it will increase their own profits, but when the farmers of the West ask for lower rates of interest, lower freight rates and Free Trade, so that they can get the full value of the crops they produce, Big Business, with the aid of the Party Politicians, always succeeds in having their demands refused." Printed in the December 15, 1915, issue of the Grain Growers Guide. Created here for the folks who don't link from the Glenbo site - or don't want to leave SDA.

Friday Funny anyway

Okay - I've been pretty busy today - but this is just too good to resist. And I don't even want to link it to Frank and Gordon HE: "But, Honey, that's not what I meant...."

Tweaking and more Tweaking

It's Friday, and usually I have some Friday funny. But not today. I'm in the process of tweaking some of the design of Cole's notes to improve it. As well, there's a new Career Blog coming up soon called "View from the Plateau" where you will find some new content coming soon. This weekend will be the main content creation to the site, but it is up and running already at . No content just yet, and once I get the URL's set up I'll have more here.

David Allen - Getting Things Done

Folks have been asking me what time management system I use. I've used his technquies for while and highly recommend his book. "Getting Things Done" , which I bought a while back. Here's a free article on the e-mail mangement. (click here) For all you Action Logic folks - this Cole's Notes is my Journal, but you are welcome to post comments on any of the material here. Just click the little pencil icon to enter a comment, or click on the envelope to send a url link to an e-mail address if you want someone else to see the article.