
Showing posts from October 16, 2005

Saturday visitors

  There I was doing the laundry this morning - looked out the Front window and what did I see? Not just one, but four balloons floating along. One came in for a landing - as you can see. So I grabbed the DSLR and got some shots. I'll put them up on the web later today. 

It's been that type of Friday....

With the day I've had today with Beaver Videos and cancelled MarketALERTS - I think this is a GREAT Friday Video - take that Apple Guys! Startup Sound - the Video

Darwin in the IT world

Orginal article at - QuickLink 057349 Thought for the Day for us IT geeks It’s about survival of the IT fittest By: Frank Hayes Computerworld (30 Sep 2005) Who will survive in IT? That’s a pretty grim way to frame the issue, especially considering recent good news. IT pay is rising again for some skills, according to staffing research firm Foote Partners. IT employment keeps inching upward — not by much, but at least it hasn’t dropped since March, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Then again, we’ve all heard the Gartner predictions that IT shops will shrink by one-third in the first decade of the 21st century. And we’ve all watched that happening in recent years. It’s no trivial question. Who will survive in IT — and how can you be one of the survivors? Simple answer: It’s about value. Convince your boss that you’re really too valuable to the business to let go, and you will survive. And how do you do that? The industry deep-thinkers will say tha...