
Showing posts from July 28, 2019

Cleaning up the Email

Email cleanup So here I am - cleaning up my email boxes.  Around 700 emails in four accounts.  Now I'm keeping my account for blogging and writing. for business, and for personal stuff on iPhone and iPad.   Outlook inbox - with the main email Why? It's mainly spam and junk mail thing. Plus the problem with Gmail sending other folks email to my inbox plugging it up.  See Will the Real Cole Cooper please stand up? I'm finding I'm missing important emails and most folks are contacting me via Facebook these days - but I find myself trying to cut down and streamline things and move all to web-based mail.

Mail Call

One of the things I’ve been spending too much time on is email.  I’m going to be cutting back on it and Social media in general.  Being a bit of a night owl - I’m limiting my time to 2 hours a night, and not checking email during the day. I’m only checking email after 10 PM MDT during the week and rarely on the weekend.  If your matter is urgent - please text me or call and message on my cellphone - or message through Facebook. Don’t be surprised if I don’t get back to you right away, as I generally don’t like to type long messages on my iPhone.