
Showing posts from August 14, 2005

I never thought I'd be doing this...

Defending the CBC? I read this article in the New York Times Website. And this attracted my attention, since they were going on about the BBC supplying shows to the CBC during the strike. Well, the venerable BBC has always had it's world report on Newsworld - but what got me laughing was this quote: Since the lockout began Monday, the CBC has replaced all its English-language services, including two radio networks, a television network, cable channels, Web sites and local stations with a mix of reruns, elegiac classical music and sometimes less-than-relevant foreign programming. Well, they weren't quite right - CBC Newsworld has always been a mix of reruns, elegiac classical music and sometimes less-than-relevant foreign programming. I rememember on September 11, flipping through the Cable channels trying to find information on what was going on in New York hitting Newsworld and running into a documentary on African Women's issues. Which to be fair - they did inter...

Friday Funny - Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity

For the silly Friday File: Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory. "Evangelical Scientists" - isn't that an Oxymoron? Sort of like Holy War - which the Evangelicals are waging against Science? But you never know - it just might offend The Creator of the Universe - right? I've always thought teaching "Intelligent Design" is rediculous anyway - but then again there are a lot of folks who think Hogwarts is for real. Or even this:> Thank God it is Friday - I'll turn off the PC and go outside and play.

Hey! - Guess What?

The Internet is Over. Yeah, you heard it here first, sort of. Paul Kedrosky over at the Financial Post says it's done. He has some good points on the use of the Internet peaking at 75% of users in Canada, and rehashes some old stories about folks being afraid of buying on the internet, but all in all, a good article. Full text reproduced here since the article is behind the National Post subscriber firewall. Web surfers settle down to everyday pace of life Paul Kedrosky Financial Post August 19, 2005 The Internet is over. A new study says Internet use has plateaued in Canada. Oh-oh, it must be time for some government program to encourage more Canadians to use it. Granted, the study (from TNS Canadian Facts) does show Internet usage has held more or less steady over the past year in Canada, with 73% of respondents reporting that they use the Internet, versus 72% a year ago. Cynics out there will say it's long past time things slowed down in the go-go world of the Internet...

PPTP - Pigeon Packet Transfer Protocol

Pigeon Packet Transfer Protocol - (PPTP) is a new revolutionary wireless packet transfer technology. Instead of physical cable media, network packets are attached to the backs of pigeons and transferred between locations by air. Have a peek

It's certainly a LULU!

Ran across this site Lulu courtesy of the folks over at TwIT and Call for Help TV . It's a publish it yourself site that will help you create books and sell them. Just the thing for creating your own novels, etc. and selling them to the world. Quite neat. I'm definitely going to look at this for some projects I have on the go. Or more precisely, a couple of projects I've always wanted to do, but never had the resources to do.