Been a while - updating profiles
To my regulars - my apologies for not posting lately. I've been extremely busy with the day to day job over at the gainful employment - and it's cut way back on my web work. To be honest - it's cut back to ZERO. I'm not doing any web work for the Gainfully Employment company, but I have been updating a little project on my own. As my Horoscope for today says: Today you might complete a project that was difficult, but important to your career. Acknowledgement of your dedication and hard work could find you being more emotionally overwhelmed than you're comfortable with. You may have to make a special effort to control your feelings. You've moved mountains to get where you are, dear Libra, and it's nice to be recognized! In the evening: Go out and celebrate. You deserve it! Right now, I'm building my 2006 Objectives for Gainful Employment right now ( Yes, I know 2006 objectives SHOULD be done before the year starts, but that's the way the Gainfull Emp...