
Showing posts from November 13, 2005

Friday Funny - A not so quiet prank

To my long suffering quad mates - see my sounds aren't that annoying! For those quiet moments - check out this video from the German Prangstgrup. Click on the arrow to play the video - and don't forget to turn your speakers down or use a headset. shhhhhhh

Photo Sharing

I've been playing around with the free Shaw services on the internet - and here's a free picture share site. Not to bad. So I've flipped some fun pictures up there for the world to share. Check it out

Wired News: Real Story of the Rogue Rootkit

From the Article The only thing that makes this rootkit legitimate is that a multinational corporation put it on your computer, not a criminal organization. And in my opinion that still doesn't make it legitimate or proper. The Best Roundup of what is going on on the Sony Front for a non-techincal reader. If your non-geek friends are asking - this is the article to point to..

Washington Post and National Post on UN and the Internet

From the Washington Post Opinion page 'Divide' and Conquer? Why dictators are cheering the U.N. Internet turf grab . BY CLAUDIA ROSETT Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:01 a.m. EST If Paul Revere were alive today, he'd have his midnight work cut out for him. Most likely he'd be spreading the alarm not on horseback, but by Internet: The U.N. is coming! The U.N. is coming! Click to see the full story And from Lorne's Gunther's "As I please Blog" The UN must never be permitted to control the Internet or, at the very least, Internet surfing will become as unreliable as sending first class mail via Canada Post and, at worst, Internet Providers will be pressured into self-regulating content in return for licenses to sell their services to consumers, the way the CRTC regulates television and radio in Canada. Full Story

Boing Boing: Sony CDs banned in the workplace

Well, it was bound to happen - no more listening to CD's at work - at least in these places. Click on the link to see the whole story.

I think I found an interesting hobby

Guy fixes computers in exchange for sex Sync has a short piece about a 34-year-old guy named "Ray Digerati" who placed an ad of Craig's list that said " WILL FIX COMPUTERS FOR SEXUAL FAVORS ," and he says it's been non-stop action ever since. Most of the calls I get are for spyware removal and viruses. One girl didn't even wait for me to finish the virus scan—she just grabbed me and gave me a blow job. Do you have a set, um, pay scale? No, I leave it up to their discretion. One girl didn't want to have intercourse, so she offered me a massage and then finished me off with a hand job. It's basically all about the time I spend: If I'm working for one or two hours, I'd like a blow job. An orgasm for every two hours of service is pretty fair. If it's something simple that I can fix in 15 minutes, I'd like to get a foot massage. Crossposted from

Normal is....

"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it." - Ellen Goodman