
Showing posts from June 19, 2005

I'll Second that

Saw this on Bob Geldorf's concert and I saw the article where he takes a strip off of Paul Martin for not spending as much as he wanted. I also saw the article where he tore a strip off of the poor guy who got a free ticket to the concert putting it on e-bay to make a buck for himself. I'm seconding McCracken's thought: I'm not attending or watching the Live 8 concert. Even if he apologises Canadians Should Boycott Live 8 Concert By D.L. McCracken Jun 22, 2005, 17:00 Bob Geldof, an aging punk rocker and former member of the 1970s era band, Boomtown Rats is best known not for his musical ability or his short acting career but for his political activism. He became a household name in 1985 when he organized the Live Aid concerts which were touted as a world event to raise funds for the famine-stricken African country of Ethiopia. The event was broadcast via satellite around the world from four major venues - London, Philadelphia, Moscow and Sydney. It was estimated that...


This WEEK in TECH : "Listener-supported tech coverage from people you trust." This week in Tech podcasts are up to version 10 now - a a great listen while coding away on a busy afternoon. Geeks on Geeks.

Today's Thought

"Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear."

For a Monday.....

This is just too good not to post! Orgasms "turn off" part of female brains Scientists report that parts of a woman's brain switch off when she has an orgasm, including regions involved with emotion. Neuroanatomists from the University of Gronigen ran PET scans on women as they were resting, getting diddled by their partner's fingers, experiencing the "big O," or faking it. Click here for the full story!

Flickr: Forums: FlickrHelp: War Footing & Loss of Personal Rights

Flickr: Forums: FlickrHelp: War Footing & Loss of Personal Rights Bravo Blink160 - flickr decides to cash in and remove to the US of A - but you are quite right - vote with your account. Mine's gone