
Showing posts from February 11, 2018

Cleaning up the old site.

It's been a while since I've updated the site for design - since I've been too busy to blog - let alone update the design. So I'm going to add this new design template to Cole's notes and will be adding to it as I go. 

Will The Real Cole Cooper Please Stand up - 2018 Version

Well, I just looked at the blog log.  This is post number 1,003.  A Thousand postings.  And here is the old issue coming up again.  This time from a church of all things. So here's the note I sent to the pastor of the church who emailed me. Dear Pastor  XXXX ; Please, could you contact the Cole Cooper who is your in the parish?  He has given you the address of for his email address - which is my address, the story of it is below: A Googley e-mail issue Sending to - cole.cooper@ and will all come to my address.   O nce upon a time - October 6, 2004, to be exact - I was one of the first users of Google email beta after getting an invite for the Beta.  At the time - I had a Hotmail address for, plus a Shaw @ home address.  So after a few minutes in the old system,  I ended up with my name in  Gmail  as   cole.cooper...