
Showing posts from March 26, 2023

The real Cole Cooper- 2023 GPT edition

 The Challenges of Having a Common Name on Gmail Hey there, As an early adopter of Google email beta, I was among the first users to sign up for a Gmail account. At the time, I had a Hotmail address and a Shaw@home address, but I ended up with my name in Gmail: . With this account, I set up my blog, Google+ services, and Google Plus page. Back in 2004, there were few Cole Coopers on the internet, so it was a fairly uncommon name. However, more people with the same name have emerged over time, including a football player on Twitter, a Marvel character at the Daily Bugle, Facebook pages, and even a website. While I don't mind sharing my name with others, having a common name like this causes issues with Gmail. When companies take down email addresses for multiple people with the same name, they often get it wrong. Since I was the first Cole Cooper on Gmail, any emails sent to  come directly to me, even if they...