Cole's Note - the previous two posts have been re-editied into one long quote, where the author is talking about the 1968 Demoncratic National Convention in Chicago.There is a call to turn the 2008 DNC in Denver to a recreate 1968 riot. But as I read this, I keep thinking "soon all the hippies will be dead" Incredibly, a political party largely reconstructed around the notion that its own nation is evil andits own citizens are dupes or worse, has survived and thrived in America. Itsparty leaders more or less openly root for the defeat of American soldiers inwar. Its party bigwigs hobnob with America-haters like Michael Moore at national conventions. Its party faithful, according to public opinion polls, stenseriously to arguments that the American government planned war upon its ownpeople..... The baby-boom generation was likened by demographers as a pig in a python. After the snake eats, it's prey creates a large bulge in the body as it moves to the stomach to be ...