
Showing posts from May 17, 2009

Scene in a Tropical Bar

H/T to Sigmund, Carl and Alfred

iStudio 101 – Cole Photographic

Cole’s Note: Cross post from View from the Plateau. Today I’m adding a new direction to the View from the Plateau website.  This site has been a record of the trials and tribulations of looking for a new career direction in the Plateau phase of my career – and I’m striking out in a new direction.  I’m still going to publish the Cole’s Notes Blog on web miscellany, but I’m going to use View from the Plateau as my company front page.  You’ll see some changes here as I make them – mainly to showcase my new venture iStudio 101  - Cole Photographic as the material is created. I’ve always been lucky in having corporate positions where I could use my photography, graphic and writing skills to good use, as it says on my resume, and now I’m doing what I like to do.  And hopefully the money will follow.  But tune in as I start putting the pieces together here online.