
Showing posts from March 29, 2009

Captain Capitalism: Vast Prosperity Begat "The Mystery" - Repost

An oldie but a goodie Captain Capitalism: Vast Prosperity Begat "The Mystery" - Repost

Dr. Sanity on Obama

  What we have in Barack Obama is the perfect blending of postmodern Marxism with therapeutic psychobabble into a royal narcissistic mishmosh. Obama is not just Carter redux, he is the anti-Reagan; the chance the left has been waiting for for 20 years to undo everything that Reagan achieved. Obama is all the worse elements of government and its excesses personified--and he is here to help you; because government is the solution, not the problem! (Who knew?) From The Divine Right of Obama

Mobile Skype: The End of Cellular As We Know It

I really hope this is coming.  I’m looking at my TELUS Mobility Bill and wondering why I have to pay 35.50 a month for data services on a smart phone that has no data applications being used on it.   That and why can’t I get my Twitter’s sent to my cell phone unless I have a Bell account. Telephone calls aren't special. They are just data crossing the network that happens to end up on a handset someplace. And that data shouldn't be priced differently than any other data the network carries. Mobile Skype: The End of Cellular As We Know It - Network World

Ever wonder why you should never piss off a Guy that owns a backhoe?


Doesn’t this sound Familiar?

It seems the UN has got it in its head that it can run the economies of the entire planet. The same folks who ran the Oil For Food program for Saddam and ended up stealing more money than in any other caper in human history are proposing to "reorder" the economies of the world and save us all from rising temperatures. Full article Here