Alberta at the Smithsonian Insitute
From some folks over at the Gainful employment place... SuperNet delivers Alberta to the Smithsonian Institute's Folklife Festival The diverse and vibrant culture of Alberta will be on display to more than a million Americans from June 30 to July 11 at the Smithsonian's Folklife Festival in Washington, D.C. - in part thanks to the Alberta SuperNet. The result of a partnership between Bell, Axia, and the Government of Alberta, the Alberta SuperNet is a province-wide network offering the benefits of high-speed technology to urban and rural Albertans alike. Linking over 4,700 government offices, schools, municipalities, health-care facilities, libraries and other institutions, Alberta is the first province in Canada to deliver a broadband network that opens up high-speed connectivity in every region of the province. It is this connectivity, and technology solution, that will support Alberta's presence at Folklife - the first Canadian province to be featured in the 39 year hist...