
Showing posts from October 3, 2004
Bell for the West Home Page And now a word from my sponsor . Here's the one of our recent TV ads showing off our 'Pixel' services.

Thought for the Day

A Friday Funny After a 2 year study, the National Science Foundation announced the following results on America's recreational preferences: 1. The sport of choice for unemployed or incarcerated people is: basketball. 2. The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is: bowling. 3. The sport of choice for blue-collar workers is: football. 4. The sport of choice for supervisors is: baseball. 5. The sport of choice for middle management is: tennis. 6. The sport of choice for corporate officers is: golf. Conclusion: The higher you rise in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become. So the higher you get up, the tougher your balls get. And remember, golf balls can go a long way.
Bell for the West Home Page New changes now a new link to the news releases from Bell Canada Enterprises - and the various sections of the Bell Canada site.
Face to Face with Customers Video A new addition to our Bell West Internet site. The face to face with customers video from our recent town hall meetings. As well, the Bell West site is cleaned up to fix the navigation problems that have been plaging it. Check out the site at
Cat's Weblog A cross post from my site to hers. Great to see her back on the web again.
Love Tactic of the Day - Now dating advice for Geeks! Just what was needed!!