CH-H-Changes - Come and Face the Change-
David Bowie aside - this month has been one of the changes. First, the Sunday Journalist Tag has been added to Cole's Notes. Due to many things, my blog has languished for the last couple of years. I could blame the usual suspect's Covid, etc. However, I have yet to be highly impressed by the blogging community, journalism, and social media places, especially with the nonsense around AI. For ages, I have used an AI-like service, Grammarly, as a grammar and spelling checker. I dislike the standard Editors and spellcheckers on apps and the web. As Grammarly moved into the AI space, I found it's a powerful tool that helps me catch spelling and improve my voice on the page. So it was with the last while—I've been experimenting with AI imaging and writing with systems such as Chat-GP, Bing, Gemini, et al. I even went so far as to take a course on AI from LinkedIn Learning on "How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools." While attractive and informative...