
Showing posts from September 11, 2005

Do Not Call list? - sort of

Only in Canada you say? Pity Our gumnit overlords have done it again: Tired of junk phone calls? Call Industry Minister now MICHAEL GEIST In a scene that unfolds in millions of homes each day, dinner is interrupted by an unsolicited telemarketing call. Some Canadians immediately hang up, while others wait patiently for the marketer's speech to conclude. No matter the response, virtually everyone finds the calls invasive, disruptive, time-consuming, and incredibly annoying. Several years ago, the United States introduced legislation designed to curb unwanted telemarketing calls. A statutory "do not call" list was created allowing individuals to place their phone number on a list that, with limited exceptions, marketers were forbidden from calling. Since failure to abide by the wishes of those listed carries significant penalties, the U.S. approach has proven remarkably successful with more than 90 million numbers now registered. Having observed the U.S. system with envy,...