
Showing posts from May 22, 2005

Friday funny foto

The Friday Funny The Friday Funny - and No it's not Brenda Stronich

Some small additions

I've been doing some tweaking of the Cole's Note's site. I now have a comments section added for those of you who want to leave comments on the posts. As well, there are now links added on the right hand side to Google News and to send a comment directly to me. In addition - I've added links to the "This WEEK in TECH" podcast and some other interesting tech sites. It's not that I'm making this Blog a tech blog, but I AM a geek on this sort of thing and will still comment on anything and all things. Happy Friday!
A lot of bloggers would miss the point - but what the heck: Complex thinking required to understand sarcasm
On the differences between the Civic State and the Theraputic State - What made Canada a great country was that it was created as -- and aspired to be -- a civic state. What is undermining Canada's greatness is "the therapeutic state" that by its very nature undermines the civic culture and institutions that have made Canada strong and -- in the main -- free, still. Russ Kuykendall - And an interesting theory on Belind Stronach from the Calgary Observer it reads like a scenario for a John LaCarre Novel - but it makes a much sense - other Bloggers don't like it - but who knows - it could be true.