
Showing posts from January 21, 2007

A Real life problem solving Flowchart

For the most part - self explanatory..... h/t to Uneasy

Attack of the 40 foot pod person

Lougheed building revamp The vintage Lougheed Building in downtown Calgary has been undergoing a major restoration and renovation for the last couple of months. One of the interesting things about the reno is that the company doing the work has had to wrap the entire building in a scaffold that goes up six floors. So since this large area was available - there's been a giant advertisement on there which was an ad for Ford trucks. Well, today - the canvas, (billboard, paper, flag, whatever) is being changed. It lookes like it will be one of the Ipod ads.

Beef Barely

From the department of "What's for Lunch?" There I was, heading out for the noon repast, when I walked past a little food kiosk. The special of the day was a sandwich and "Beef Barely" soup. I was going to stop and correct the person behind the counter, until I saw her preparing a tureen of the soup du jour. She threw a can of Beef Barley soup, into the turreen, a handful of barley, and a giant gallon can full of chicken broth. I guess it isn't a typo.