
Showing posts from September 30, 2007

Gods of the Copybook Headings: A Very Dark Day

Another View of the Western Standard ceasing publication. Gods of the Copybook Headings: A Very Dark Day

The Western Standard falls Silent.

It is with great disappointment I post this: To my deep regret, the Western Standard has decided to stop publishing our print edition. It's a purely financial decision. Even though our advertising revenues were stronger than ever, with marquee brands like GM, Mazda, BMW and Air Canada filling our pages, and even though we had the most loyal subscribers in the business, with an unheard-of 80% renewal rate, we just weren't close enough to profit...... Ezra Levant . The whole story is here: Western Standard Ezra Levant - the publisher of the Western Standard has said the on-line version of the Shotgun Blog will continue, and they will try to keep it going. I hope so. There are too few media voices in this country who are not beholding to the "progressive" point of view - and the Western Standard was one. It's an unfortunate irony that one of the few Free-enterprise, capitalist magazines, falls not to a slew of lawsuits from a lawsuit flinging Imam , but to the s...

Friday Fun - Jumpin Jive - Cab Calloway and the Nicholas Brothers

From You Tube


Over at Dr. Sanity on the The Historical Significance of Atlas Shrugged - crossposted from an article at Real Clear Politics. Dr. Sanity: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ATLAS SHRUGGED ...a German intellectual named Karl Marx gave one of the most influential accounts of the new capitalist system--and he got everything wrong . An Industrial Revolution driven by scientific and technological advances springing from the minds of a few extraordinary individuals, he would describe as the anonymous, collective product of brute physical labor; an economic system of liberty, he would describe as a system of oppression; a system built on the right to property he would describe as a system based of expropriation--and then he would propose actual oppression and expropriation as the solution. COLE's NOTE: Sort of like some current politicans - such as "Taliban Jack". Dr. Sanity continues: Today's left promises wealth and happiness and justice and brotherhood. What they have always delivered is po...

One day in front of the Pearly Gates

God dropped his cellphone.....

Cole in his birthday suit

Since it's my birthday today - I thought I should put a new photo on the masthead of Cole's Notes and View from the Plateau. The old Blogger photo is from 2002 - so here's the new one: You know you're doing too much blogging when you start to look like John C. Dvorak For those who don't know who he is: