
Showing posts from January 5, 2020

Build Your Own Intellectual Oasis

Quillette – Bill Frezza Build Your Own Intellectual Oasis Jan 5, 2020 at 7:12 AM Two years ago I started an experiment I would like to recommend to you. At the urging of my best friend, concerned not just about my happiness but my mental health, I went dark. Perhaps if enough people give this a try it could help pull our troubled culture out of its downward spiral. What do I mean by going dark? I've enjoyed a four-decade long career as an engineer, entrepreneur, and venture capital investor working with many others to help build the digital world in which we now live. As the years passed I became more of an "activist," devoting increasing amounts of time, money, and attention to various issues and causes impacting the body politic.  For 25 years I wrote regular opinion columns for publications like Network Computing and Communications Week, back in the pre-web days, transitioning to , the Huffington Post , RealClear Markets , the Daily...

False Humility Will Not Save the Planet

Quote of the Day "... the biggest obstacles to an effective climate policy are no longer the climate "skeptics" who stubbornly deny that there's a problem in the first place, but the activists who can only accept the half-baked "solutions" that fit their preconceived ideology." At the root of our climate problem, writes Pope Francis in his ecological encyclical  Laudato Si , lies our human pride and arrogance: “The misuse of creation begins when we no longer recognize any higher instance than ourselves, when we see nothing else but ourselves.” Coming from a Catholic Pope, such sentiments are hardly surprising. For centuries, Christians thinkers have railed against pride as the first and worst among the seven deadly sins. But Francis is far from alone in his view. Many climate activists today, even though they don’t necessarily believe in a personal deity, share Francis’ diagnosis of our environmental worries. They too believe that our climate ...