
Showing posts from July 24, 2005

And since It's also Friday....

Time for the Friday Funny: TELECOMMUNICATIONS DICTIONARY Modem What landscapers do to dem lawns. Token Ring A virtual engagement gift. Ethernet A device for catching the Ether Bunny. DataPac A size 14 girl in a size 8 bikini. Asynch A place to wash your hands. Bysnch The place where Elton John washes his hands. ASCII The ancient god of telecommunications. Rumored to give vast amounts of data to believers. Hence, the phrase "ASCII and you shall receive." File Transfer Procedure followed by INFORMATION CENTER staff who are tired of their present jobs.

Sysadmin Apprciation Day

TODAY [JULY 29 2005] IS SYSADMIN DAY! Today is the day you need to go let your sysadmins (be they network folks, PBX people, LAN managers, etc.) know that You Are Not Worthy and then ask them If It Would Be Okay if you bought them a box of donuts or lunch or some sort of offering. From linking to the System Administrator Appreciation Day! website. Side note: From some voice messages I've gotten in the last little while - it looks like I'll be heading back into the IS/IT world in the next little while. I'll post some more details when I have them. I suppose that since I'll be moving from Marketing, I'll have to re-geek myself and un-brand me. We'll see.

What do you suppose he thought would happen?

From Reuters : SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - A Texas man was arrested on Monday after calling police to complain about the theft of his marijuana, authorities said. Stephen Knight, 17, said three men had broken into his apartment, hogtied him with Christmas lights and stole some marijuana, along with a plasma screen television, police said. Police are looking for the suspects. In the meantime, they arrested Knight after finding several marijuana plants growing under heat lamps in the apartment, four grams of harvested marijuana and a tablet of ecstasy, Officer Chad Ripley said. Knight said the men barged into his home early on Monday morning demanding, "Where's the weed?," according to San Antonio police.