Quote of the Day
Warmists Think We're Stupid By Ross Kaminsky on 10.4.11 @ 6:09AM Humans live in deserts and in the Arctic. We live in places like Denver and Chicago, each of which will see temperatures over more than a 100-degree (F) range in the course of a year -- and routinely a 30 or 40 degree range in a day (or 20 in an hour) in the mountains and deserts. ….. We invent air conditioning and efficient heating systems. We have nearly eliminated smallpox and polio, two of the greatest scourges of eras past. In other words, we adapt to our environment -- in those cases when we can't adapt our environment to us. For that reason, it defies common sense to believe that man-made global warming, even if it were real , would have the devastating impact that its anti-capitalist, wealth-redistributionist proponents claim…. ….it's also because the solutions proposed, i.e. to stop using energy, are based on an obvious, even if never-ever-ever-ever-stated by the left, premise that people who l...