Really in need of a good snicker, hot and hollar

Sarcastic smile Watching the election returns for the PC party tonight – I was reminded of a quote from a favourite book of mine “Skinny Legs and All”

"The monkey wrench in the progressive machinery of primate evolution was the propensity of the primate band to take its political leaders - its dominant males - too seriously. Of benefit to the band only when it was actively threatened by predators, the dominant male (or political boss) was almost wholly self-serving and was naturally dedicated not to liberation but to control. Behind his chest-banging and fang display, he was largely a joke and could be kept in his place (his place being that of a necessary evil) by disrespect and laughter. If, for example, when Hitler stood up to rant in the beer halls of Munich, the good drinkers had taken him more lightly, had they, instead of buying his act, snickered and hooted and pelted him with sausage skins, the Holocaust might have been avoided. Of course, as long as there were willing followers, there would be exploitative leaders. And there would be willing followers until humanity reached that philosophical plateau where it recognized that its great mission in life had nothing to do with any struggle between classes, races, nations, or ideologies, but was, rather, a personal quest to enlarge the soul, liberate the spirit, and light up the brain. On that quest, politics was simply a roadblock of stentorian baboons."

“We approach the Divine by enlarging our souls and lighting up our brains. To expedite those two things may be the mission of our existence….. But such activity runs counter to the aspirations of commerce and politics. Politics is the science of domination, and persons in the process of enlargement and illumination are notoriously difficult to control. Therefore, to protect its vested interests, politics usurped religion a very long time ago.”

Most of the Stentorian Baboons where holding mikes in the faces of other Baboons.  FAH – I’m going to bed – find out in the morning who “Won”.


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