
Showing posts from December 17, 2006

What, like you've never seen a cat sleep in a sink before?

From Big Guy taking over... There he is interupting my nap to take my picture again. I REALLY hate being cute... So here's Big Guy just waking up after taking a nap in the bathroom sink. I don't know why he likes this - but it's quite comfortable, unless someone turns on the faucet. How'd I know he was doing this? Well - there I was in the kitchen, and I heard this snoring coming from the downstairs bathroom. Sure enough - he was in there sound asleep. And was not too pleased when I took his picture and interupted his nap...

The Breakfast of Bucaneers

Pirates of the Caribbean Cereal Arrgh - just the thing me mateys for your yoh ho ho and a bottle O' Rum. The only breakfast cereal you can eat with RUM!