
Showing posts from February 8, 2009

Conrad Black: Canada's resilience is invisible only to Canadians

From his column in The National Post It is news in the United States that there has been no need in this country for bank bailouts, and that Canadian home ownership levels are as high as those in the United States, without recourse to subprime mortgages or legislated non-commercial lending practices of the kind that brought on the crisis there....   But unfortunately, stimulus packages have become de rigeur acts of national prestige, like the construction of great ocean liners between the World Wars. .....   It is unlikely that the coalition fiasco or the pedestrian budget will lead to a premature election or the justification of this return of Liberal self-assurance of inevitable victory that has popped up like a cobra’s head.   Without the great tribal vote of Quebec which sustained the Liberals from the death of Sir John A. Macdonald in 1891 to the rise of Brian Mulroney in 1984, the Liberals are no more likely to win an election than the C...

Friday the 13th – Not so funny

Well – today my day is looking like this: Instead of doing the regular maintenance routines on Friday, I’m fighting with the hardware.  Oddly enough – one would expect that from the Windows 7 Beta I’m testing out, but the Windows 7 Beta test mule laptop is the only one that’s running with no problems.  All of my desktop units are acting up – so here I am blogging from my tablet PC and doing everything else from the test mule laptop.  Now I admit that LANBOSS, CYBERSTUDIO and the MEDIACENTRE are running on three different operating systems – Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista respectively – and they all get along wonderfully normally.  But today – I’m ready to toss the whole bunch of machines.  Time to simplify.

Sunday Funny for a Happy day in August

At my last Gainful Employment location, my first couple of days went sort of like this: Only the names have been changed to protect the incompetent. I swear, sometimes I think Scott Adams must be connecting into my systems to get content for his cartoon. Cross-Posted to A View from the Plateau