
Showing posts from April 5, 2009

Question the Hype

Caution: The following video contains inconvenient reality. No Hollywood climate expert celebrities were harmed during the making of this film. Tags: Climate Change

What She Said

From Kate at SDA: Liberals And Conservatives Arguing Over Mulroney Blog Notes: I'll resume coverage on Canadian federal politics if and when it emerges from the current time warp.   Until then, I'll leave that job to the Rip Van Wrinkle media. Thank you. Me too.

Listen to the People They Tell You Not to Listen To

Klavan – on the Left’s arguments for all seasons.  It helps because I know I don’t have to browse the lefty blogs.

Good News For A Good Morning: The sandwich that cures a hangover « Sigmund, Carl and Alfred

The Telegraph : Researchers claim food also speeds up the metabolism helping the body get rid of the booze more quickly. Elin Roberts, of Newcastle University’s Centre for Life said: “Food doesn’t soak up the alcohol but it does increase your metabolism helping you deal with the after-effects of over indulgence. So food will often help you feel better. “Bread is high in carbohydrates and bacon is full of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. Your body needs these amino acids, so eating them will make you feel good.” Ms Roberts told The Mirror: “Bingeing on alcohol depletes neurotransmitters too, but bacon contains a high level of aminos which tops these up, giving you a clearer head.” Researchers also found a complex chemical interaction in the cooking of bacon produces the winning combination of taste and smell which is almost irresistible. The reaction between amino acids in the bacon and reducing sugars in the fat is what provides the sandwich with its appeal. M...

The laws of libertarianism

Technorati Tags: libertarianism The following is an edited excerpt from Karen Selick's recent presentation to the Manning Networking Conference and Exhibition in Ottawa via the National Post. …We believe in maximizing individual freedom in both the economic and the social spheres. We believe in minimizing state interference in both spheres…. I would argue that when the state assumes the role of moral guardian over the social sphere, we get the same unintended consequences as when the state intervenes in the economy. In an economic welfare state, people become lazy and incapable of providing for themselves financially.  In a “moral welfare state,” they become morally lazy and incapable of determining for themselves what actions are virtuous, or even why they should behave virtuously in the first place. Read it all here.

Gasoline Alley comes to life

Just spent the day at the new Heritage Park Gasoline Alley Museum.  It’s a grand opening of the 1930’s street and new entrance to Heritage Park. Inside if a great display of the Auto Memorabilia from the early part of the 20th Century including a old style Service Station, and displays of period storefronts, including a Safeway store and a Shell Station. There’s still more to do on the 1930’s Street – but it includes a photo studio, a general store, and a demonstration brewery provided by Big Rock Breweries – plus a recreation of a Sandstone CPR Railway station – which will hold an interpretative centre, and the Railroad Cafe when the park opens for full operation in May. Tags: Heritage Park , Calgary , Automobiles , Antique autos.