
Showing posts from February 3, 2008

American Thinker: Obama and 'Da Yutes'

American Thinker: Obama and 'Da Yutes' : "Whatever can be said about the Boomers -- that they're obnoxious, lazy, self-centered, arrogant, grandiose, and simply weird (And I'll cop to all the above, to one degree or another), a willingness to forego the spotlight is not part of the mix. Add a near-Irish mulishness, a still-unsatisfied sense of historical mission, and a tendency to react to political pressure in the same fashion as warrior ants and it's clear that they are not going to step out onto the ice floe any time soon. Anyone seeking to build a political movement based on superseding the Boomers will have his hands full right out of the gate at least until a lot more of them are dead and gone."

A Modest iBook proposal

Looking a the new Apple Air laptop, and having an iTouch iPod - I was wondering how long it would be before Apple comes out with a real iBook - just by replacing the keyboard with another iTouch screeen. Using the touch technology on two opposing screens would really make a practical e-book. Plus the virtual keyboard from the software would work well scaled up to a larger key size. Something to thing about, neh?

Pajamas Media: If You Can't Figure Out How to Vote, Blame a Teacher

Pajamas Media: If You Can't Figure Out How to Vote, Blame a Teacher : "But the dunce cap these days belongs to Democrats, who place themselves right smack in the middle of the spectrum, apparently believing their views to simply be the correct and most reasonable ones. Yet, think about the position on energy that has been taken by every one of their Presidential Primary candidates. We should block drilling in a God-forsaken part of Alaskan no-man’s and no-animal’s land, despite the environmental triumph of the Alaskan pipeline. We should ban construction of additional nuclear power plants, despite decades of success in Europe. We should bet our entire economy on unproven alternative technologies. And, we should remain silent as freedom-suppressing China begins to drill in the Gulf, and Middle Eastern dictators jerk around our economy. This is a moderate position?"