Quora Question:What are some values of liberalism that conservatives need to integrate or reintegrate into their core ideology?

Quote of the day "...the modern left has abandoned liberals who want to reform society to make it more inclusive to everyone. Instead, they want to punish anyone on the "wrong side of history" and destroy the institutions necessary for our shared prosperity as a means of balancing history's scales." by Jon Davis, American Conservative If people haven't been paying attention, modern conservatives, as in the new wave of younger conservatives, make up several distinct but complementary ideological groups. There are right-leaning libertarians, more ancient paleoconservatives, and even classical liberals. One of the most popular speakers on the right currently is Dave Rubin, a gay liberal, as well as Jordan Peterson, a Canadian whose views would place him squarely in the realm of the Democratic party if he were an American (or at least where the Democrats were in 2008, RIP.) At the same time, other more traditional conservatives are very apt to call ou...