
Showing posts from February 9, 2020

Islam's Hidden Role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade

February 6, 2020 Islam's Hidden Role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade By  Raymond Ibrahim From its inception, Islam's history with the West has been one of  unwavering antagonism and seismic clashes , often initiated by the former.  By the standards of history, nothing between the two civilizations is  as well documented as this long war .  Accordingly, for more than a millennium, both educated and not so educated Europeans knew — the latter perhaps instinctively — that Islam was a militant creed that for centuries attacked and committed atrocities in their homelands, all in the name of "holy war," or  jihad . These facts have been radically "updated" in recent times.  According to the dominant narrative — as upheld by mainstream media and Hollywood, pundits and politicians, academics and "experts" of all stripes — Islam was historically progressive and peaceful, whereas premodern Europe was fanatical and predatory. ...

Cole's Notes 2020 - updating my site and getting things organized.

On being a "Retired" Journalist So here it is 2020 - I got out of 2019 with minimal damage. As you can tell - there's wasn't much going on on in 2019 for my Blogging. I did (and still do) most of my posting on Facebook. Both Quotes of the day and Column of the day are part of what I have been doing as a hobbyist communication and content creation blogger. But I have been spending more time reading and cross-posting than creating.  Passing on other people's writing rather than creating my own. I was trying to build an audience and connect to more folks as well. While it did give me a more significant following and audience than posting in the Cole's Notes Blog was doing I was doing it it was the lazy man way by using my iPhone to curate and post on Twitter and Facebook. Also, I linked the Blog to my  Cooper's place page on Facebook and G+. Well, for 2020, I'm updating all this stuff to cut back on the Social Media to spend more time doing...

Remembering The Sunday comic page

The Sunday Comic Page Perhaps this marks me as an old coot, but I miss the old Sunday Comic pages from the local newspaper.  There are always websites to serve up comics and it is a way for cartoonists to reach audiences - but the Sunday comic was always a reason to sit back with the paper and a cup of coffee and relax on a Sunday. Somehow it doesn't translate very well to the Internet Journalism of today. Jeff MacNelly's Shoe I've always loved this strip - I identify with Cosmo Fishhawk. I've had a few mornings like this Pluggers Now a days the Sunday comic is on an website - one of my favorites is Pluggers. Today on Pluggers - Comics by Gary Brookins - GoComics The First Pluggers from April 2001

Journalism still has power.

Journalism still has power. But not the way you'd hope. by Sam Thie lman Tow editor at the Columbia Journalism Review. PETE HEGSETH, THE FOX NEWS PERSONALITY, Iraq War veteran, and a one-time guard at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, often receives compliments for his commentary on Fox & Friends, the popular morning show Hegseth frequently guest-hosts, from President Trump. Hegseth was briefly considered by Trump to head the Department of Veterans Affairs. Instead, he has used his platform on the president’s favourite show—and access to the man himself—to run the kind of journalistic campaign that used, more usually, to be pointed at water contamination in Flint, Michigan or public corruption in Bell, California. It has centered on the cases of three men accused or convicted of murder while deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan: Eddie Gallagher, Clint Lorance, and Matt Golsteyn. Hegseth’s attitude was that the men accused had done nothing less noble than falter sligh...