
Showing posts from March 14, 2010

Much Ado about Racism

This Editorial from the National Post is so good – I’m going to reproduce it all here:   Much has been made of a recent Léger Marketing poll regarding racism in Canada. The poll, conducted on behalf of the Association for Canadian Studies and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, reports that 68% of Canadians have heard a racist comment over the past year, while 31% of Canadians have witnessed a racist act. Predictably, the federal government was called upon to spare no expense curing this social ill. We are skeptical of polls commissioned by agencies with a vested interest in the result: It is important to remember that the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, like the larger human-rights industry of which it is part, justifies its existence on the dubious claim that racism is widespread in Canada. Our skepticism is compounded by the fact that this poll doesn’t track respondents’ first-hand experiences with racism; it merely tracks the broader question of whether the...

Don't tax iPods

The headline explains it all Don't tax iPods

I’m so glad he’s not-

A very good post on Bookworm room this morning – which explains itself. Obama, whatever else he is, is not an intellectual Read it all The two best quotes: “Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.” – Francis Bacon In modern English, an intellectual can be described as someone who is extremely well read.  He or she has a fully furnished mind and, at the drop of a hat, can delve into that internal room of books, and resurrect quotations, ideas, and information….   Barack Obama has nothing of the intellectual about him.  He’s a documented ignoramus when it comes to history , something worrisome, because he often tries to get history to back up his policies.  He’s an almost laughably stereotypical “Ugly American” when it comes to his knowledge of the world around him .   He’s embarrassingly slow on learning the nuances of the military culture he leads .  (You can amuse yourselves in the comment...