Friday Funnies - Darwin and Martin
A short work week and a quick Friday Funnies - First off - the DARWIN Awards for the most creative way of skimming the Gene Pool. 2005's top winner. A 24-year-old Swiss second lieutenant picked up an award for learning a lesson Indiana Jones taught us long ago in Raiders of the Lost Ark: Don't attack with a sword if your opponent has a gun. While trying to demonstrate a surprise knife attack on an armed soldier, the lieutenant grabbed a bayonet and leapt at an unsuspecting young man nearby. The surprised soldier had just finished target practice with live ammunition; he had recently been trained on how to quickly release the safety catch and ready his weapon. The unsuspecting soldier used these newly honed maneuvers to save himself by preparing his gun and firing at the lieutenant with deadly accuracy. The lieutenant didn't get any posthumous medals from the Army, but he did receive a Darwin Award. Chimney Cleaning Grenade "He happened to have the perfect object. It ...