
Showing posts from January 18, 2009

Saturday and Windows 7

I’ve been playing with the Beta all week, and am pleasantly surprised.  I also loaded the Windows Live Essentials, and have been playing with some other non-Microsoft goodies.  For example, iTunes.  It runs wonderfully on the new OS – Windows 7 seems to have so much less clutter than XP or Vista. One of the features I’m really enjoying is the new version of the Messenger in the Windows live essentials. Along with the Live mail – I’m not missing outlook on this machine – although I only have my hotmail account in the mail software.  As with any Beta on a test Mule – I’m using it sporadically. Getting my work done on the main machine – with the test mule notebook sitting on the side of the desk – occasionally using it with the interrupters on it.  So far – in addition to iTunes and Messenger, I’m setting up Twhirl for my twittering and doing some Facebook stuff.  Mainly the social networking sites and the other things that keep popping up while I’m worki...

Friday Funny – What NOT to say to a suicidal person


Re: Britain to Follow Netherlands? - Mark Steyn - The Corner on National Review Online

Re: Britain to Follow Netherlands? - Mark Steyn - The Corner on National Review Online I think we're approaching the point in much of the west where Islam is simply beyond discussion in any meaningful way - de facto at the London School of Economics, de jure in the Netherlands, but, either way, the Muslim lobby groups achieve their objective: to make serious open debate about Islam too costly for anyone who attempts it. Apropos "speech-curtailing" laws, Miss Eaves says: Here's a good litmus test for whether a law makes any sense: If the "crime" in question can only be described using the word for an emotion, like "hate" or "phobia," then we have wandered into thought-police territory.

American Thinker: Conservatism's Dilemma: To be or not to be in the GOP

An intresting thought for the Day - from American Thinker: Conservatism's Dilemma: To be or not to be in the GOP : "Most conservatives are too busy working at the jobs that make the country run to quit their real jobs and run the country." Now that's thought that could apply to Canadian Conservatives as well - I've noticed that our "professional" political folks have never actually done anything other than run for office.