Uberrobo - The Obedient Servant

A modest proposal? An Ai Hallucination Tesla Optimus Gen 3? I recently heard that one of the founders of Uber wants to buy all 200,000 for the self-driving autotaxis that Elon is proposing to build in the next year. Rather than that, how about taking the Gen 2 Optimus Tesla Bot robot and teaching it how to drive? I always thought that would be an excellent way to be an Uber driver, so I'm making a suggestion to Elon. When you sell a Model X luxury unit - have a robot as an option. The $10,000 for the self-driving software would be more palatable and could be the start of an exciting way things go. After all, Telsa has always been the disrupter of the industry - so why not service? Most of the Self-driving cars I've seen coming down the line have the uncanny valley problem of having the driver's seat full of tech equipment or not having a driver's position at all. Recently, I had the opportunity to ride in a Model X from Uber with the self-driving software - the dr...