
Showing posts from February 16, 2020

My Vote for The Inked Cover Girl

Vote for Jessica! who is truly deserving of being the Inked cover girl. Vote for Her - NOW! Photo by  Quinn Teechma Photography What was your first tattoo? Obligatory 18-year-old tramp stamp that has since been covered! My favourites have to be my back tattoo for my daughter and the large thigh piece I had done for my mother that passed away. Is it true that getting tattoos is addictive? Absolutely. So many plans for more. If you were voted Inked Magazine's cover girl, what would you do with $25,000? Photo by Quinn Teechma Photography I would definitely take my daughter on a wicked Disneyland vacation. More tattoos obviously, and then do the adulting thing and put the rest into my kids' college fund. Vote for Jessica HERE