
Showing posts from February 9, 2014

Some times I wonder if I should keep this going

I just posted a new article at View from the Plateau – which was the result of a phishing e-mail I got through my LinkedIn account.  And it’s got me thinking as well.  I’ve been posting and lurking on a number of sites, reading a lot of RSS feeds and spending a lot of time on email and Facebook, with the result that my blogging has suffered.  I’ve not even updated either for months, and there are two articles sitting in draft form that need to be finished.  The short form on the Twitter and reading the newsfeeds from my iPad has cut back on sitting down and writing long form posts.  I’ve also been lax in getting graphics done for the posts – as the linking of the latest missive at View ends up plastering my visage all over Facebook and Google+.  These new mini blogging platforms – and Twitter as well are moving to more and more graphics – and less and less text.