
Showing posts from November 20, 2005

He's Back!!

Yep - my old friend Shooter Quagmire has re-surfaced. The mad photographer who is to pictures what Hunter S. Thompson was to writing. Apparently he has been drying out after Hunter's Funeral and has been shooting and running after T&A all over the world. He originally got me a little photo of Kristin Davis au natural along with some other very nice shots. He spends time on the internet and wandering around with his camera to photograph lovely ladies. I've always liked his taste. For some reason he's always had a thing about women in silver and gold bikinis - so his latest guy gift to me is a shot of Paris Hilton. When I started the Blog a while ago - his advice to me was to put a nude picture of Morgan Webb on the site to drive traffic. I never did - but I did keep the one he sent for me to post. I won't be putting it up here though - it's defintitly a XXX shot. However, he always shares if you send him something interesting at his mail address shoo...

Heaviest element - Governmentium?

From a Friend's Website Major Discovery Made A major research institution has announced the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science - "governmentium." It has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons and 111 assistant deputy neutrons for an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons that are further surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like sub particles called peons. Governmentium has no electrons and is therefore inert. It can be detected however since it impedes every reaction it comes into contact with. A tiny amount of governmentium can take a reaction that normally occurs in seconds and slow it to the point where it take days. Governmentium has a normal half life of three years. It doesn't decay but "re- organizes", a process where assistant deputy neutrons and deputy neutrons change places. This process actually causes it to grow as in the confusion some morons become neutrons, thereb...

Getting your Locks off

One from the MythBusters file - but not from them. Well some old guy who kicks ass decided to hang up 5 tough padlocks in a field and tried shooting them off with a whole arsenal of weapons. Check it out at The Box of Truth web site

The Treadmill Bike

I don't know if this is for real - but it does make for a Friday Funny Photo . After all, you could just jog instead.

Christmas light concert

Okay - I'm not putting up lights this year. In the Tim Taylor arms race for the ultimate Christmas lights on a house - this guy takes the prize. The original story is from Engadget I mean how do you even compete with this? Gotta feel sorry for his neighbours - they will really be sick of this music by Christmas. Update - I showed this to a friend - and you know he's a hard core Geek when he said "That's easy to do"....

VoIP retail with Radio Shack

From Engadget If one of eBay’s goals in handing over $4 billion to pick up Skype earlier this year was to make the popular VoIP service more mainstream, it looks like they’re starting to make it happen. Full Story It looks like Radio Shack (in the US) is starting to offer this up. Here I am over at Bell, and is that a gurgling sound I hear on the HMCS Bell?