
Showing posts from April 19, 2009



American Thinker: From Tea Parties to Political Parties

About Politicians:  There are some fundamental misunderstandings people have about politicians. Let me clear those up:   (1) Politicians are not smart. Most of them have average IQs -- if they are lucky.   (2) Politicians are extraordinarily egocentric . They run for office because they love to see their face on the TV and they love to hear themselves talk. (President Obama is example #1 of this principle .)   (3) At the national level, politicians are (1) + (2) and they either have a lot of personal wealth -- or they have worked their way up the system (running for local office first) by selling their souls to lobbyists on either the left or the right American Thinker: From Tea Parties to Political Parties

Don't let the Cat out of the Bag

As if I could get her to come out. Stella loves it when I go shopping - 'cause the bread comes in brown paper bags. Hates the plastic ones and the "Green" canvas bags.