
Showing posts from September 21, 2003
A quick update - the new Jellyfish front end. Cleans up the design a little bit. Just a tweak - but it will also allow feedback access. In other words - you'll be able to yap back at me about the Blog. More to come.....
NATIONAL POST : William Watson in a recent National Post Column - talking about Anti-Americanism - the entire column is great advice for Paul Martin - the new PM - but this section bears repeating. "You should lay down the law that cheap shots at Americans mean expulsion from caucus. Legitimate differences with Washington are fine. If Canadians really, truly believe the likes of Saddam Hussein deserve our support, we have to do what we think is right. But your party has to get over this idea that U.S. Republicans are a variety of spongiform, and that saying so is acceptable in our politics. We treat the most unsavoury foreign thugs respectfully when they visit here. We even spray our own citizens with pepper to protect their sensibilities. Yet some of our politicians can't summon minimal respect for the leader of our closest ally and best friend, the oldest and probably greatest democracy in the world. Forty years ago the Canadian economist Harry Johnson decried 't...
My Rants It's a little outdated - but my RANTS have been moved here to the Cole's Notes Section. It seems to be the more popular website anyway. Not that I've been doing Cole's Notes on a regular basis - but I'm promising myself to be more attentive to posting on the Blog.
Slashdot | Smart Sofa Recognizes Occupants by Weight Just what the world needs - the problem could be tho - what happens if you have sex on this couch? Does it blow a circuit or two?