
Showing posts from May 29, 2005
Road kill on the information Superhighway? 

Bell Lightship tour Photos

For those folks looking for pictures of the Bell Lightship tour in Western Canada - please click here

Newspaper column - not on paper?

The Website has reported that the Globe and Mail is publishing their current edition totally on-line because of a strike. Go to Boingboing Meanwhile - the National Post's Lorne Gunther apologizes for Blog errors on his site and the Western Standard Shotgun muses about how useless the media is. I mention all of these in the same post because they indicate to me where the old dead tree craft of the "Press" is going. More and more, I'm seeing blogs from all points of the political spectrum and various topics. I seem to be spending more time reading them than looking at newspapers or magazines. As an old news junkie - I do freely admit I went to Journalism school back in the misty past, back when Journalism meant notebook, typewriter and 35mm camera - and spent some time as one of the ink-stained wonks that turned out the daily fishwrap, I'm enjoying seeing the old medium trying to find relevance in the 21st century. Orginally, I started this blog ...

Crazy Frog - Axel F

Ringtone Madness If the ringtone adverts haven’t driven you crazy yet, check out what nerdy German club meisters Bass Bumpers have concocted in their musical laboratory. That’s right the Jamster Crazy Frog ringtone meets Alex F – the catchy tune from the Beverley Hills Cop movies

Monday - right?

Barely 9;30 in the morning and I'm out of business. My friendly IS/IT department has nuked the internal webs. At least I can still blog. There are days in this job, and this is one of them I feel like the Ye Olde Village Blacksmith. Banging away on my web stuff - meanwhile folks are running into my quad* demanding that I make art glass vases in the smithy. Sort of a convoluted metaphor - but hey - it's Monday morning. *Quad? - At the organization I work at - I don't even rise to a cubicle (three walls) let alone an office (four walls) - Instead I work at L-shaped desk which has two walls that form part of a four desk Quad. No privacy at all - but lately thanks to re-org and outplacings I'm not currently sharing this large expanse with anyone. Other than the occasional traveller coming from Vancouver or Edmonton.