Monday - right?

Barely 9;30 in the morning and I'm out of business. My friendly IS/IT department has nuked the internal webs. At least I can still blog.

There are days in this job, and this is one of them I feel like the Ye Olde Village Blacksmith. Banging away on my web stuff - meanwhile folks are running into my quad* demanding that I make art glass vases in the smithy. Sort of a convoluted metaphor - but hey - it's Monday morning.

*Quad? - At the organization I work at - I don't even rise to a cubicle
(three walls) let alone an office (four walls) - Instead I work at L-shaped desk
which has two walls that form part of a four desk Quad.
No privacy at all
- but lately thanks to re-org and outplacings I'm not currently sharing this
large expanse with anyone. Other than the occasional traveller coming from
Vancouver or Edmonton.


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