Starting Over

Substack and Cole's Notes Something is coming... It was once said that regarding the press, you should never fight with a man who buys ink by the barrel. Today, that would be: never pick a fight with someone with a Substack. Subscribe to me on Substack: There is not anything there at the moment - I'm busily hooking up my Social media accounts and working on building my audience - so this is just a heads up that I'm updating things this fall and adding in new content as I update this blog and the other social media sites. Why am I doing this? Well, the comic strip Shoe has it, ideally. So, I'm looking at various income sources from my writing. Substack is one. So what is Substack? Substack is a platform that provides publishing, payment, analytics, and design infrastructure to support subscription newsletters. It allows writers to send digital newsletters directly to subscribers. This...