Starting Over
Substack and Cole's Notes
Something is coming...
Why am I doing this?
So what is Substack?
Substack is a platform that provides publishing, payment, analytics, and design infrastructure to support subscription newsletters. It allows writers to send digital newsletters directly to subscribers.
This is very similar to how Cole's Notes started in 1992 when I published an email newsletter on telecom for corporate communications at the telco where I worked. Around 1998 - when I was packaging out from said corporation - the "career counsellor" recommended blogging. So Cole's Notes was slipped over to Blogger - where it remains.
However - I also started hanging around on other sites - the early Twitter - some Canadian blogs - and technology blogs posting and writing articles. In addition to lurking and linking - I did some web work for small businesses and communities pro bono, using my writing skills to help out where I could. Substack interests me as I want to monetize my work to help me support myself.
An extremely long time ago, back when I was pounding a typewriter in Journalism School, my dream was to have a career as a photojournalist, editor-publisher and someday own a small-town newspaper. The early Blogs I worked on and Cole's Notes scratched that itch to write news stories and satisfy my inner journalist.