
Showing posts from August 18, 2013

Quote of the Day - Summer Disturbances

Ben Stein The American Spectator and AmSpecBlog – Ben Stein Summer Disturbances "I have told you before, my friends, that the bowels have a powerful effect on the brain and it’s true. “A good set of bowels is worth any quantity of brains,” said Dr. Johnson.... ...America is now just a blind, helpless Cyclops, eye poked out by Obama’s innate confusion and rage about what America is. American leadership is just a memory. American military dominance will soon be just a memory. In five years, we have become a laughingstock. “ Yes, we can… commit suicide ,” is the new motto. And the worst part is that the GOP does not have any better ideas. Lower taxes are more important than defence? Are they serious? China as a benevolent world leader? I guess that’s the future. Mr. Obama actually claims that he has al Qaeda on the run. That’s just plain insanity. Al Qaeda is a mighty force from the Atlantic to the Pacific in the Moslem world. They are not a few guys in a cave. This is a worldwide...

Sunday enterprising.

This Sunday I decided to do a little "enterprising". Or what used to be called roving when I worked at the Herald. Just go out and see what's happening around the town and shoot a photo or two. So I went out to the new Symon's Valley Ranch New Farmers market. Posted with Blogsy