Cole's Notes 2020 - updating my site and getting things organized.

On being a "Retired" Journalist

So here it is 2020 - I got out of 2019 with minimal damage.

As you can tell - there's wasn't much going on on in 2019 for my Blogging. I did (and still do) most of my posting on Facebook. Both Quotes of the day and Column of the day are part of what I have been doing as a hobbyist communication and content creation blogger. But I have been spending more time reading and cross-posting than creating.  Passing on other people's writing rather than creating my own. I was trying to build an audience and connect to more folks as well.

While it did give me a more significant following and audience than posting in the Cole's Notes Blog was doing I was doing it it was the lazy man way by using my iPhone to curate and post on Twitter and Facebook. Also, I linked the Blog to my  Cooper's place page on Facebook and G+. Well, for 2020, I'm updating all this stuff to cut back on the Social Media to spend more time doing actual Journalism and Photojournalism on the Blog.

Charlie Brown got it right...

So today - I'm starting to revise the Blog to make it more of a showcase for my stuff. So as Charlie Brown says - this will take more than one night.


Well, in 2020 - I've reached the age where I look back on what I'm doing with my life. I'm a visual communicator - which is what they call folks like me these days.  Back in the long-ago days, my life long dream was to be a LIFE magazine photographer/reporter. Well, back when I entered Journalism school - it was the year that LIFE magazine folded.  However, I persevered and came out of SAIT and went to work at the Calgary Herald as a Colour Lab Technician and News Photographer. Then, I moved on to corporate communications, project management and document management for IT, using my skills in writing and photography.  And as such, I picked up a lot of skills in Business, Telecommunications and IT. Not to mention Photography and Graphic Arts skills, including film processing and desktop publishing. All of which I've used to create and manage websites, intranets, and corporate IT and Telecom networks.

I'd really like to get some feedback on what should be in Cole's Notes and some of the conversations that could be started here.  I'm also open to linking to other folks who are doing some interesting things in the world of On-line Journalism. So feel free to comment and let me know if you would like to connect.  Or, simply if you want to cross-post.  Contact information on the sidebar.


Work in progress


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