I'll Second that

Saw this on Bob Geldorf's concert and I saw the article where he takes a strip off of Paul Martin for not spending as much as he wanted. I also saw the article where he tore a strip off of the poor guy who got a free ticket to the concert putting it on e-bay to make a buck for himself. I'm seconding McCracken's thought: I'm not attending or watching the Live 8 concert. Even if he apologises

Canadians Should Boycott Live 8 Concert

By D.L. McCracken
Jun 22, 2005, 17:00

Bob Geldof, an aging punk rocker and former member of the 1970s era band, Boomtown Rats is best known not for his musical ability or his short acting career but for his political activism. He became a household name in 1985 when he organized the Live Aid concerts which were touted as a world event to raise funds for the famine-stricken African country of Ethiopia.

The event was broadcast via satellite around the world from four major venues - London, Philadelphia, Moscow and Sydney. It was estimated that 1.5 billion people watched the live broadcast in 100 countries and raised approximately $245.4 million.

Now Geldof is at it again. He has organized what he calls 'Live 8' to raise awareness to the plight of people in Africa. 'Live 8' is named for the G8 countries who will meet in Scotland for the G8 economic summit in July.

Venues have been arranged in cities throughout the world including right here in Canada in Barrie, Ontario. So far, so good.

But just this past Tuesday as the line-up of musicians were being announced for the Canadian contingent of Live 8, Bob Geldof appears to have decided in all his wisdom that this was the perfect time to get a few things off his chest concerning the stingy aid package that Canada has promised for Africa.

In a taped message played at the Tuesday news conference announcing Canada's venue, Geldof told Martin in no uncertain terms to not bother attending the "wealthy" G8 meetings next month if he isn't prepared to cough up even more financial aid for Africa saying, "There's no use your prime minister coming to Scotland unless he's prepared to do this deal. If he's not prepared, stay at home, just stay at home, don't come." Geldof admitted later to purposely using bullying tactics adding, "We don't have the time now for niceties . . . What is the point of coming to a G8 if you're not prepared to go along with the agenda?"

Geldof's insults have outraged more than a few Canadians. His remarks have been called 'offensive' by some and downright embarrassing by others.

What Geldof fails to realize is the fact that every country within the G8 will give what they can to struggling countries but not at the expense of its own people. At least this writer hopes that's the case.

Perhaps we Canadians should display our displeasure toward Mr. Geldof and his demeaning and degrading rhetoric toward our prime minister by just not showing up in Barrie on July 2. In other words, maybe Canadians should boycott the Live 8 concert.

This writer will not be attending nor will this writer be turning on a TV set.

Who's with me?

Coles NOTE: I am!


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