Bell folks

So now I have posted some photos from the Big Bell Bike ride for the Calgary Corporate challenge and am taking the opportunity to do some blogging.

When I first set this up, I wondered why anyone would want to Blog. I mean, I've always kept a journal, but I wouldn't want the thoughts there to be public. Especially since I've seen some of the problems that some lady bloggers have had with creepos.

But then this morning, riding on the transit to the orifice - I had a realization.

Many years ago - a Millenium back, even. I was in Journalism school - attempting to become one of those ink-stained folks that crafted the daily noisepaper.

At that time, one of my thoughts was to have a regular column in some newspaper, doing a sort of "slice of life" chat column. Doing a daily (or weekly) column on life and my observations of same.

Writiing in a chatty friendly style - just like Bob Edwards from the old "Calgary Eye-Opener" - Influencing the afflicted - Affflicting the Influential, that sort of thing.

I never did get there - after about a decade grinding away in the print media - I escaped to of all things - a telephone company - and wound up playing with the infant personal computers. That was twenty some years ago - and now I seem to have come full circle.

Now I build websites for another telco - still with a case of livng the Dilbert dream - but the blogger is now around to let me work out sojme of the rants I have about the systems.

So I guess this is what Cole's Notes will be about. My column on life - as thought of 30 years back, when the teletype ruled the media.


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