Howstuffworks "How IP Telephony Works"

Some basics - as I recently outlined - in addition to the how VoIP works - here are some Bell West definitions of how things are.......

Prime buildings "Bell owns a suitable active digital electrical or optical telecommunications connection between the customer premises and the designated POP and that the service is ready.
Bell has begun development of suitable facilities to the building and will be service ready within a defined timeframe. If necessary, the interim solution will be to lease the access from a Facility Access Supplier (FAS) and expedite the building completion.
Bell has installed fibre to the building - in this situation, customer opportunities will be assessed on an individual case basis to determine if services will be provisioned via fibre or through the co-locate."

Prime Buildings offer services based on the equipment we have placed in a particular building, what type of POP (Point-of-Presence) we have there - or what we have brought into the building. Generally, we have a fibre optic line run to that building, which connects to equipment placed in the telephone room of a large commercial building. Sometimes the engineers and craft folks will refer to these rooms incorrectly as colocates, since we place the equipment in the same room in the building that TELUS places some of it's distribution equipment. It's a little confusing - they should be calling them POPs. The confusion comes in because engineering sometime refers to our own Bell west Central offices as POP3 offices.

Co-location is an arrangement which provides for access and the use of TELUS central office space, associated power, and environmental conditioning to locate Bell owned and provided equipment for the purpose of interconnecting with TELUS services and service elements. In particular this allows us to purchase unbundled copper access loops from TELUS and provision Bell service offerings on the existing facility. Co-location areas are defined by TELUS Central Office boundaries. Colocate is the term used to refer to the equipment located in the TELUS central office.

Co Lo A and Co Lo B are subsets of the same definition

The term Colocate A refers to pricing in three specific Collocates. The largest colocates we have in the TELUS in Calgary MAIN, Edmonton MAIN and Vancouver MUTUAL are Colocate A - the highest margins are available on Centrex services there. The other colocates in the Tier I cities are Colocate B. Services are available there, but at a lower margin for us. There are also Colocate C and Colocate D - which refer to colocates in Tier II and Tier III towns. Since no Tier III towns have any colocates at this time - Colocate D isn't being used. As well, the A, B, C, D terms only apply to the Centrex Product line. Other services only use the definition of Colocate or MSA.

(Metropolitan Service Area) A Metropolitan Service Area (MSA) is an area within the municipal/city boundaries of TELUS's standard serving areas where Bell does not have network facilities (co-locate or fibre). Services in these areas are provisioned via re-sale.

A TELUS Standard Serving area is based on the model of Operating Exchanges (OE) and Central Offices (CO)

Central Office Building usually housing a central switching exchange of a ILEC serving a given area. Also known as:
Switching Centre
Telephone exchange The central offices are known by names - e.g.. Vancouver MUTUAL or Calgary KINGSLAND

The term Operating Exchange (OE) refers to the area that a group of Central Offices serve. Generally there is one or more central offices in an Operating Exchange. The OE is usually identified by the name of the largest town or city being served. For Example, Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton are names of Operating Exchanges. Within those OE there are multiple Central Offices. Such as Calgary HUNTINGTON HILLS, or Vancouver MUTUAL. Small towns that have only one Central office, will have only one OE. These are also identified as various Tiers.

All Central offices in the OEs of Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Burnaby, Cloverdale, New Westminster, Newton, Richmond and Whalley are Tier I. Whether or not they have a collocate - this is a TELUS Tier and can be either collocate or MSA. - this Tier is set in the TELUS tariff filed with the CRTC

Abbotsford, Cedar, Cordova Bay, Dallas, Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Kamloops, Kelowna, Lakeview, Lantzville, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Nanaimo, North Kamloops, Okagan Mission, Pentiction, Prince George, Red Deer, Rutland, Vernon, Victoria, Wellington and Westsyde are all Tier II and may be either a collocate or MSA

Any other OE in Alberta or BC not listed above is a Tier III. and could have some Central offices that are MSA. The rest are off-net (WAY off-net)


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